#PenAndPaper- Sure you had to cry along the way, you may have to stop along the way and you may have to ask for help along the way but the blessing in it is you got back up to Go, Fight and Live another day. You’re still here for a reason your Devine assignment must be fulfilled. Keep going, keep believing, and keep pushing. #TimeAndSpace #TheProcess
#PenAndPaper-Life is not always fair, and you may never know what another person is carrying around in their heavy Life bag on a daily basis. Yes, even those who may appear to have it all together (You know the ones who say everything is always great and wonderful every time you talk to them). The bottom line is we are all carrying around some type of Life bag (small, medium, large, extra large) that needs to be lighter, strengthen, cared for, and sometimes unloaded. Remember a simple Hello, how are you? Are you ok? It’s gonna be okay, I care about you, and I love you are powerful tools. These phrases could be the simplest word action that could change the course of someone's day.
#PenPaper-Toxic people are everywhere, and most of us know at least one or two. So the next time you hear a knock at the door and it's those pesky negative or toxic people who like to throw your past in your face, or steal your peace, joy and zap the energy out of you like some vampire.
#PenAndPaper- Some prefer to clone what they see, while some are embracing, loving, and cherishing every moment of “staying in their own lane”.
#PenAndPaper- Resilience
is that ineffable quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life
and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure, naysayer, or
hurt overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to rise from the
ashes. A Resilience person has the ability to regulate emotions, and the
ability to see failure as a form of helpful feedback. Even after misfortune,
resilient people are blessed with such an outlook that they are able to change the
course of their journey and soldier on. #IAmResilience#TimeAndSpace #BeyondAdversity