
Coming Soon....

Chapter 1: How Story Shapes Our Lives

If someone you know says to you, “Would you like some of this salad I’m making?” … what kind of reaction would that provoke in you?

It depends on how you view the situation — what your narrative or story is of the situation:

·                                 If you see this as a generous act of kindness and this person is contributing towards your healthy life, then you might feel grateful.

·                                 If this question is seen as a part of a narrative of hundreds of times this person has criticized your weight or criticized you personally … then you might feel hurt and angry.

·                                 Or maybe you have a narrative that salad is terrible, and you might feel disgusted and insulted, or you might feel oppressed by diet culture.

These are three very different reactions to the same act. And they’re determined by your view of things, your narrative or story.

Every day, our lives are shaped by the story we have of ourselves, of others, and of the reality around us. 

Coming Soon...... Seeing Life Through